Jesus on a donkey
Today is Palm Sunday. Our seven year old has a fever, so I stayed home with him while Joe and the other two kids went to church. Chris was sad because he couldn't "wave the leaf" in church today, so we decided to make a homemade palm out of paper and have our own celebration. It wasn't a real leaf, and it wasn't even green, but I reassured him that God is much more concerned about the praises from our hearts rather than the kind of leaf we're waving. Our voices were way off tune, and I'm not even sure I even got the lyrics to Hosanna right, but there was genuine praise being lifted in my humble kitchen from the two of us! There have been many times I missed precious moments like this with our children because I've been too tired or busy, but I thank God for His grace to recognize and seize this one today.
This morning during my devotional time I read the account of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. I feel compelled to share with you one detail from Dr. Luke's account that was not mentioned by the other three gospel writers that really stood out to me today. I don't remember noticing this detail before... How I just love when God breathes a fresh revelation over me through His living Word! Never ceases to amaze me how God's people can reread familiar portions of Scripture and have a personal encounter with its Author every single time.
Just to give you a little context here, Jesus was riding on the donkey and fulfilling the prophecy from Zech. 9:9. As Jesus walked along, people threw their cloaks on the ground before him, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road all the while exclaiming praises to Him. The crowd would have been large that day, as Jews were traveling to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover, which was only days away. There are so many incredible details to draw out and expound upon from this text, but I want to draw your attention to Lk. 19:41-42, "As he (Jesus) approached Jerusalem and saw the city, He wept over it and said, 'If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace - but now it is hidden from your eyes." Amidst all the cheers and excitement Jesus saw into the hearts of the lost - and He wept.
Jesus knew that from the same mouths shouting Hosanna would five days later scream "Crucify Him!" Jesus would lay down His life for those who lie down their cloaks before Him. Knowing all of these things Jesus was not moved to anger or judgement - The Word made flesh was moved to tears as He walked forward on a journey that He knew would lead to the cross. His love for His people pressed Him forward - one deliberate step at a time toward the cross. His love for you pressed Him forward my friend.
Amidst an excited crowd, tears graced the cheeks of our Savior. This is the image that is tucked into my heart as we begin Holy Week. "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us" (1 Jn. 3:16). May you and I be enthralled with the love of Jesus this week.
This morning during my devotional time I read the account of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. I feel compelled to share with you one detail from Dr. Luke's account that was not mentioned by the other three gospel writers that really stood out to me today. I don't remember noticing this detail before... How I just love when God breathes a fresh revelation over me through His living Word! Never ceases to amaze me how God's people can reread familiar portions of Scripture and have a personal encounter with its Author every single time.
Just to give you a little context here, Jesus was riding on the donkey and fulfilling the prophecy from Zech. 9:9. As Jesus walked along, people threw their cloaks on the ground before him, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road all the while exclaiming praises to Him. The crowd would have been large that day, as Jews were traveling to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover, which was only days away. There are so many incredible details to draw out and expound upon from this text, but I want to draw your attention to Lk. 19:41-42, "As he (Jesus) approached Jerusalem and saw the city, He wept over it and said, 'If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace - but now it is hidden from your eyes." Amidst all the cheers and excitement Jesus saw into the hearts of the lost - and He wept.
Jesus knew that from the same mouths shouting Hosanna would five days later scream "Crucify Him!" Jesus would lay down His life for those who lie down their cloaks before Him. Knowing all of these things Jesus was not moved to anger or judgement - The Word made flesh was moved to tears as He walked forward on a journey that He knew would lead to the cross. His love for His people pressed Him forward - one deliberate step at a time toward the cross. His love for you pressed Him forward my friend.
Amidst an excited crowd, tears graced the cheeks of our Savior. This is the image that is tucked into my heart as we begin Holy Week. "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us" (1 Jn. 3:16). May you and I be enthralled with the love of Jesus this week.
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