The call to follow
Before the age of computer and video games I'd venture to guess children played outside and used their imaginations a little more than they do today. My brother and I made up some great games using our imagination like Tree Doctors and Jeffy and Janet. We also played the good ol' traditional games that have stood the test of time that required no game board, electrical outlet, or batteries. Classics like hide and go seek, Red Rover, kick the can, red light green light, freeze tag, Mother May I, and Simon Says. Follow the leader was fun too, and the leader was the coveted role in this game. You never heard kids clamoring to be the followers... It was fun to be the leader and have all eyes on you, watching the others in your wake follow your every move and sound. A certain amount of power came with being the leader. The ability to have everyone else make a silly face, or run even if they didn't feel like running, for instance. Remember those days?
We may have grown up, but we still play follow the leader. Everyone is following something or someone. No longer a game, the stakes are high and the leader that you choose to follow influences the steps you are taking on the path of life. Many voices entice us to follow and they are alluring, seductive, and compelling. It can be tempting to follow them.
Through the chaotic chatter Jesus Christ calls, "Follow me."
I want to share a quote from a book I'm reading by Joe Stowell on this subject:
"It is not that we have not heard that intriguing call, "Follow Me." It is not even that we do not believe in and admire the One who calls. Our struggle is that it is plain difficult to be a follower. In a world consumed with leadership, independence, and self-led living, it is tough to find volunteers who will even admit that they want to be followers. We get and give the impression that followers are limp, vulnerable, weak, controlled by others, and lacking in initiative." (Following Christ p. 14)
As Dr. Stowell so poignantly states, it is not that we have not heard or understood Christ's directive; it is plain hard to follow Christ at times. Sometimes Jesus leads in a direction that is not easy to follow. Other times we resist following Him because we think we should go in another direction that seems better to us. Then there are times when it is not convenient to follow Christ. I don't know about you, but I have personally struggled with situations that fall under each of the above reasons in my walk with Christ. I have followed Him to places where everything in me wanted to run as fast as I could in the complete opposite direction! While some of those places have been physical locations, others have been a particular posture of my heart that He was leading me to assume. Like forgiveness when I thought an offender didn't deserve forgiveness... Extending kindness to someone who betrayed me... Loving someone who I didn't feel like loving... Giving when I'd rather keep... There have also been times when I not only resisted but rebelled against Christ's leadership, and let me tell you those instances never had positive outcomes!
We have to choose to follow Christ not once in our life but every day. And not even once a day but all though the day. Moment to moment surrender as we follow where He leads. Not because we have to, and certainly not because we are trying to adhere to some external code of conduct, but because we love Him... Because following Him is where true freedom is experienced... The world speaks of a counterfeit freedom that comes from self-sufficiency, self-assurance, self-righteousness, and self-reliance. Exalting ourself will only lead to a prideful, boasting heart that invites the chastisement of our God. The words of Daniel 4:37 never ceases to cause me to tremble, "Those who walk in pride He is able to humble." Our God is explicitly clear in His Word on how He regards pride - it is an abomination in His sight, and He deals with this sin swiftly.
Today I am asking God to rekindle my desire and devotion for following Him. Sometimes I think we hang our head low and assume a martyr-like position that says, "Yes Lord, I'll follow." and we act as though we need to chomp a bullet and expect our life to be unexciting and difficult. Hear me when I say to you that yes, following Christ will not always be easy, convenient, or fun... But YES, there is no other path you want to be walking on other than the one your Savior has set your feet on! There is a joy, contentment, peace, and blessing that accompanies being in the center of God's will that surpasses anything this Earth has to offer. And there is much awe and wander that is experienced when we hear Him speak, when He ministers to us, and as He reveals Himself to us.
Our God is more up close and personal in the daily lives of His people than you and I can even imagine. He cares about you and the things you are facing today. Our Good Shepherd speaks and promises that His sheep will hear His voice. The question is, will we follow what we hear?
We may have grown up, but we still play follow the leader. Everyone is following something or someone. No longer a game, the stakes are high and the leader that you choose to follow influences the steps you are taking on the path of life. Many voices entice us to follow and they are alluring, seductive, and compelling. It can be tempting to follow them.
Through the chaotic chatter Jesus Christ calls, "Follow me."
I want to share a quote from a book I'm reading by Joe Stowell on this subject:
"It is not that we have not heard that intriguing call, "Follow Me." It is not even that we do not believe in and admire the One who calls. Our struggle is that it is plain difficult to be a follower. In a world consumed with leadership, independence, and self-led living, it is tough to find volunteers who will even admit that they want to be followers. We get and give the impression that followers are limp, vulnerable, weak, controlled by others, and lacking in initiative." (Following Christ p. 14)
As Dr. Stowell so poignantly states, it is not that we have not heard or understood Christ's directive; it is plain hard to follow Christ at times. Sometimes Jesus leads in a direction that is not easy to follow. Other times we resist following Him because we think we should go in another direction that seems better to us. Then there are times when it is not convenient to follow Christ. I don't know about you, but I have personally struggled with situations that fall under each of the above reasons in my walk with Christ. I have followed Him to places where everything in me wanted to run as fast as I could in the complete opposite direction! While some of those places have been physical locations, others have been a particular posture of my heart that He was leading me to assume. Like forgiveness when I thought an offender didn't deserve forgiveness... Extending kindness to someone who betrayed me... Loving someone who I didn't feel like loving... Giving when I'd rather keep... There have also been times when I not only resisted but rebelled against Christ's leadership, and let me tell you those instances never had positive outcomes!
We have to choose to follow Christ not once in our life but every day. And not even once a day but all though the day. Moment to moment surrender as we follow where He leads. Not because we have to, and certainly not because we are trying to adhere to some external code of conduct, but because we love Him... Because following Him is where true freedom is experienced... The world speaks of a counterfeit freedom that comes from self-sufficiency, self-assurance, self-righteousness, and self-reliance. Exalting ourself will only lead to a prideful, boasting heart that invites the chastisement of our God. The words of Daniel 4:37 never ceases to cause me to tremble, "Those who walk in pride He is able to humble." Our God is explicitly clear in His Word on how He regards pride - it is an abomination in His sight, and He deals with this sin swiftly.
Today I am asking God to rekindle my desire and devotion for following Him. Sometimes I think we hang our head low and assume a martyr-like position that says, "Yes Lord, I'll follow." and we act as though we need to chomp a bullet and expect our life to be unexciting and difficult. Hear me when I say to you that yes, following Christ will not always be easy, convenient, or fun... But YES, there is no other path you want to be walking on other than the one your Savior has set your feet on! There is a joy, contentment, peace, and blessing that accompanies being in the center of God's will that surpasses anything this Earth has to offer. And there is much awe and wander that is experienced when we hear Him speak, when He ministers to us, and as He reveals Himself to us.
"His sheep follow him because they know his voice" (John 10:4).
Our God is more up close and personal in the daily lives of His people than you and I can even imagine. He cares about you and the things you are facing today. Our Good Shepherd speaks and promises that His sheep will hear His voice. The question is, will we follow what we hear?
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