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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Cries in the storm

This blog entry has been in the making for over two weeks. I am plopped on my couch, Gatorade at my side, and the flu virus rampant through my body! I am determined not to get up from this place until this entry is complete, and seeing how my energy level is practically nonexistent, there is a good chance that will happen. It really stinks when Mommy is sick, doesn't it? I know I'm in trouble when my family dips into our supply of beach towels after taking a shower or bath, and, well, let's just say I am only a few bath towels away from that happening...

When our kids were toddlers, each one of them had their unique way of coming to Mommy for comfort. Matthew would run toward me full speed ahead with his arms up, and crying my name as loud as he could saying, "Mommy, I need YOU!" Didn't matter who else he passed by, no one else would do. The child appeared as though he could take off, which he nearly did as I scooped him up in my arms. When Chris was in distress he would make sure I saw him, freeze his physical position, look at me with the most desperate expression he could manage, and then wail on the top of his lungs as he waited in that precise place until I came and picked him up. Jacob would run to me like Matt (although not with same intensity to run me over) and then lift his arms to me and say, "Mommy, I want to hold you!" Never failed to bring a smile to my face, as we all know who was holding onto who!

The individual ways my children have come to me when they wanted comfort have come to mind over the past several weeks as I have been walking through a difficult time where many trials were hitting me at the same time. God has allowed one particularly painful and longstanding struggle to come to a head, and it has not been easy processing through this time. Like Matt, there have been times when I have literally ran with intensity to Jesus - when no one else would do. Whether that was manifested by me falling to my knees and crying out to Him, gripping onto His Word praying specific Scriptures over myself and my family that He had given me specifically targeted to this trial, and I ran to my husband and a few trusted friends in the Body of Christ to intercede. I have also been able to identify with Chris's countenance when he wanted comforted, as there were days when I could do nothing but be still and cry out to God in a posture that said "Lord, today you have got to come and meet me right where I am... My eyes are fixed on you, I am wailing, and I am so weak that I cannot move a muscle." And as I recall Jacob's plea for him to hold me, I am reminded of the truth that God is the One who holds onto me, and not the other way around. Let's face it, if remaining close to Jesus was reliant on my ability to hold onto Him, I'd be toast! We all would! He holds onto us, praise His name. I am thankful for my recent reminder that during the storm, there are times when our most appropriate response is to be still - trusting that God is with us, moving in our lives (even when it is not in the way or timing we would desire), and that He sees every detail that brings our pain. Not only does He see the cause of our hurts - He cares. Oh the incomprehensible depth of the His love!

When we were in Disney World, Chris stopped to throw something away as we passed a trash can, and evidently I did not hear him tell me that he needed to stop momentarily. We were in the Animal Kingdom when the crowds were at peek in the middle of the day, there was music piped along the streets, and performers were on the side of the road where we were walking. My senses were on overload when all of the sudden the clamour faded as I heard the soft, still cry of my darling son who lost sight of his family. I immediately stopped - still not fully processing what my ears heard, and after taking a few steps through the massive crowd I saw my precious Chris, tears running down his red face and scared to death. "Mommy, I was calling for you."

Our Father hears the cries of His children. In the midst of our storms He hears, He cares, and He moves on our behalf. I don't know how you are relating to this post, but may you and I be encouraged anew by these truths today.

"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 8:35, 38-39).


Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks Jen:)

Amy O'Brien

November 16, 2009 at 8:14 PM  

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