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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Born in a manger, destined for the cross

Over the past several weeks I have been going through the book of John during my devotional times in the mornings. When Advent started I thought about stopping and going backwards to read the story of Christ's birth, maybe in the book of Luke... I felt compelled to continue going forward in the book of John, so that is exactly what I have done. As God would have it, as Christmas neared so did the portions of Jesus' crucifixion. For a split second I thought to myself that I should be reading this in preparation for Easter during lent - not advent! But as quickly as I could formulate those words in my mind the little synapses in my brain told me that this could not be more appropriate. I came across a verse a few days ago that I feel led to share with you. Just to give you a little context, Jesus was brought before Pilate who was trying to determine why the Jewish people wanted to bring charges against Jesus. Inside the palace, Pilate summoned Jesus. Here is a portion of their conversation:

"Jesus said, 'My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my kingdom is from another place.'"
'You are a king, then!' said Pilate.
Jesus answered, 'You are right in saying that I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me'" (John 18:36-38).
Jesus was born to testify to the truth...
Completely God and completely human, Jesus Christ temporarily left the heavenlies, donned a tent of flesh, and He made His dwelling among us. Jesus lived in a human body for 33 years. He experienced physical exhaustion. He knew the bitter taste of sweat. Not only did He know what a hunger pang was - He experienced them. He enjoyed fellowship with those He loved, and was later abandoned by those same people. He faced temptation. He was angered. He cried. He knew what it was to put in a full day's work. Jesus experienced a tender kiss from His mother, and a painful kiss from His betrayer.
Did you ever notice that Jesus never used His sovereign power for any self-gratification purpose? Rather than walking on a dusty road He could have immediately placed Himself in any desired location. Rather than allowing the soldier's spit to land on His body before the crucifixion He could have stopped it mid-air - He could have stopped the soldiers in any way He desired, for that matter! The words of Hebrews 2:7-8 summarize this truth better than I ever could, " "but He (Jesus) made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to death - even death on a cross!" And throughout His 33 years, Jesus never sinned.
Born in a manger, destined for the cross.
He came to serve that we may learn to serve.
He came to die that we may live.
Jesus Christ is truth. (See Jn. 14:6) May the truth of who He is and what He has done revive our hearts, rekindle our love for Him, and drive us to worship Him. He alone is worthy - Christ, the Lord.


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