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Prayer Requests

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hello and welcome!

I am not a very technologically advanced person. In fact, I'm really quite challenged when it comes to working with anything that has a chip in it. (Unless of course they happen to be edible ones of the chocolate or potato variety!) I recently learned that a blackberry can refer to more than just a piece of fruit, and that a GPS is not referring to the make of a car! Challenged, but making slow progress in this area. (Emphasis on the word slow!) Now that you know this about me, you can rejoice with me in the fact that I have a blog and am now making my first post!

I am absolutely thrilled to have this blog and it is my desire for this to be a place for us to connect on more of a personal level. I hope to share posts that leave us laughing in stiches, as well as more serious ones with depth. Whatever the subject matter, this will be a place where you will find encouragement, sincerity, and hope.

I invite you to check back regularly and join in the fun of blog-world here at Abundance In Him. I'd also like to invite you to listen to Abundance In Him radio program. You can listen here http://www.thelight959.com/playingnow.php# weekdays from 10:45 - 11:00.

Thanks for stopping by. Come again soon!

