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Prayer Requests

Sunday, May 31, 2009

A note from a beggar

Hello Columbus! I cannot express how honored and excited I am to serve on the radio waves of 91.5 FM WHKC! Beginning today (June 1st) Abundance In Him Radio program will air twice daily Monday - Friday at 6:45 am and 3:15 pm. I believe with all my heart that Scripture is living and active, God-breathed, and transforms lives. I speak from a first hand perspective regarding this truth, as God has used His Word to set me free from habitual sin, to heal my wounded heart, and to fan into flame a passion to know and love Him. After I began to seriously study Scripture the Holy Spirit gripped me - and I have never been the same.

I want to share with you the best definition of evangelism I have ever heard. I wish I could tell you who said it to give him or her credit for it... They said, “Evangelism is really just this: One beggar telling another beggar how to find bread.” I come to you as nothing more than a beggar desiring to point you (and me) to the Bread of Life. I am praying for you, dear listener, and I am asking God to move in your heart, mind, and life in powerful ways as we study together. I'm also asking Him to move in such a way that there is no mistaking His power and activity.

One of the downsides to serving in radio ministry is that we are not able to connect in the same way as if we were studying together face to face. I especially miss not being able to laugh together. I don't have a particularly cute laugh. Some people have a cute, contagious laugh, and mine cannot be accurately characterized in these ways. It didn't take long for me to realize that while I could laugh on the air it sounded pretty pathetic and it may not be something I should do! I hope this blog will be a place for us to connect... To laugh, learn, and encourage each other. I would absolutely love to hear from you, so please don't be shy and join me here in blog world! Get yourself a Blogger account if you don't have one - it is free and relatively easy. (Just click on the word comment at the end of any entry and then follow the prompts to set up an account.)

Thanks for stopping by and check back soon!

Your servant beggar, Jennifer

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Let's pray

Life can be so hard. At times the heartache we endure can seem absolutely unbearable, and the things some of us walk through are nothing less than excruciating. All manner of things cause suffering and heartbreak in our lives. Relational issues, financial strains, suffering consequences because of another person’s sin, or perhaps suffering consequences because of our own sin. Physical sickness, mourning the loss of a loved one, fear, anxiety, lonliness, longing for the salvation for a loved one… Certainly this list is far from exhaustive. Perhaps you cannot pinpoint one source of suffering with clarity, but a variety of stressors are culminating, leaving you weary.

Yesterday I took Chris to the dentist to get a cavity filled, and the other two children and I sat in the waiting room during his appointment. The secretaries were chatting to our left, the television was providing loud background noise, and several other people were engaged in conversation while I was enjoying a book. All of this random noise was interrupted by a distant, soft sound. While it went unnoticed by everyone else in that waiting room, my head immediately rose from my book, my gaze became fixed on the hallway, and my ears perked. It was the sound of my baby crying, and this mama was sitting at attention.

Our Father sits at attention in response to the cries of His children. Not only does He hear us, but He knows exactly what invoked our pain. Not only does He see - He cares. And He is able and willing to move on your behalf.

As I’ve been praying for the readers of this blog over the past few days I have felt the Holy Spirit prompting me to open the comments section of this post for prayer requests. If you would like to leave a prayer request, just click on the word comment below. If you do not have a blogger identification you can create one quickly by following the prompts after clicking on "create a blogger account". It is free and relatively easy. You can also sign in “anonymous” to post your request - I do not believe you need to have an account if you sign in this way. After you leave your prayer request, you can take a moment to read the other requests and pray for them if you feel led.

There is power in prayer, my friend. Let us never underestimate this truth. My request will be the first comment. (Click on the word "comment" below to read them.)

"The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth" (Ps. 145:18).

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Friends on foreign soil

I am sitting at the baseball field alone in my car while Chris is in the batting barn and Matt is warming up for his game. We ate our meat loaf dinner in record time in order to get here on time (which we weren’t), and I threw my laptop in the car in the hopes I’d be able to write. I took in a few deep breathes after we parked, and now I’m asking the Holy Spirit to empower me to communicate to you what He has been pressing upon me over the last week since I read a portion of Scripture that captivated my thoughts during my devotional time.

Scripture uses many descriptive terms and phrases that refer to followers of Jesus. Friend of God, the Bride of Christ, a royal priesthood, a chosen people, heirs of God, co-heirs of Christ, and servants are a few examples. The reference I came across last week is one I did not consider frequently.

“We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God” (2 Cor. 5:20).

We are Christ’s ambassadors.

Ambassadors serve as a representative of their home country and try to bridge a gap in order to have a positive relationship with a foreign country. They speak on behalf of their country as they convey their policies, ideals, and decisions. While their feet of clay walk in a foreign land, their minds are focused, their steps are purposeful, and their words are chosen carefully. For a period of time they live among people who do not speak their native language, they have different customs, traditions, lifestyles, and culture.

We are Christ’s ambassadors.

Walking in a foreign land where people often do not understand us, we represent the ultimate authority - the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We have been sent to implore others on Christ’s behalf to be reconciled to God. What a responsibility… And privilege. As I reflect on this exhortation, I ask myself, "How am I striving to be an ambassador for Christ to those that do not know Him?" I am faced with my shortcomings when I neglect to pray for and seize moments to be Christ’s ambassador – as though God were making His appeal though me. When I personalize the God-given mandate in this verse, I fall so short.

The crux of our mission statement comes on the heels of verse we just read, “God made Him (Jesus) who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Cor. 5:21). That's it. God glorified and His people humbled before Him serving out of a responsibility - and privilege to be used as a mouthpiece to point others to our Savior. While the Body of Christ is comprised of various denominations and a plethora of ministries, our ultimate message must not point to an organization, but to Jesus Christ.

While on foreign soil, an ambassador would always be cognizant that he or she is not at home, and would likely feel like a stranger. I’m sure ambassadors long to return home after their mission is complete. I cannot neglect to draw the parallel for us as Christ’s ambassadors as we travel through this foreign land. Planet Earth is not meant to make us feel at home, and in fact Scripture tells us that we can expect to feel like a stranger in this foreign land. (See Ps. 119:19, Jn. 15:18-25, Jn. 17:14-19) We look forward to the promise of our homeland. A place where there will be no sin, no tears, no fears, no worries, no pain, no suffering – the place Jesus has prepared for us.

We are Christ’s ambassadors.

Walking on a mission field equipped with the most essential message we will ever proclaim on behalf of the One who “had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Cor. 5:21).

Gotta go, it’s game time and I missed the first pitch!